Sunday, April 20, 2014


Happy Easter!
Sorry for my sporadic postings! Being a first grade teacher consumes so much of my life. But I do love it. This is my absolute favorite time of the school year. More outdoor recess, nearly wrapping up the school year, AND we get to hatch chicks in our classrooms! From the egg incubators into the hands of the children, as a class, we observe and study the whole 3 week process.

Eggs and chicks hatching inside the Egg Incubator 
Growing chicks, a few days after hatching

Outside of school, Nick and I have been enjoying the beautiful Nashville weather, for our THIRD Easter living in Nashville! This Easter has been especially wonderful because it has been spent with family. My parents and sister now all officially live in the Nashville area! Woohoo.

Here are a few Easter delights that I made.
Deviled Eggs! Using some of my amazing wedding gifts! This Nora Flemming platter is amazing because you can change out the adorable, little ornaments to match the holiday/occasion. 

Bird Nest Desserts! I found these on Pinterest, when I searched for "easy easter desserts". My cooking skills are in the very beginning stages, so these no-bake, minimal ingredient desserts were right up my alley. I saw many variations of these bird nest desserts, so I just went with what I thought would taste the best.

My Easy Steps: 
1. I melted and mixed chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and creamy peanut butter together. 
2. Broke the mini pretzel rods into smaller pieces and carefully stirred them into the chocolatey mixture. 
3. Use a cupcake pan to make the nest shapes.  IMPORTANT: With a stick of butter, thoroughly lather  the cupcake pan. This supposedly helps to remove the nests when they are finished. 
 4.When the pretzels are covered in chocolate, I used a spoon to fill each cupcake spot, with the chocolate covered pretzel mix. 
5. Put into the refridgerator for at least an hour. 
6. Before serving, put a few peanut M&M's in the middle of the nests. (Some recipes used Cadbury Mini Eggs or Jelly Beans). YUMMMMM

I hope you enjoy my Easter post! With one more month(ish) left of school, my goal is to get posting on my Newly in Nashville blog more frequently! 

Happy Easter! <My view while drinking coffee and blogging this morning> Now, to get out and enjoy God's beautiful creations. 

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